Artist Bio –

Brian King is a Boulder based artist originally from Long Island, NY.  He is a graduate of The Cooper Union School of Art in Manhattan. He prefers working directly from observation and views his art as a means of studying, meditating, contemplating, and understanding the world around him.  He aspires for realism, but much of the work takes on an impressionistic feel in the translation to the page.  His recent work has been plain air landscapes, figures, portraits, and still lifes. He works in a variety of different media; primarily oils, watercolors, and pastels.  In the past, he has sculpted, made films, and built sets and props for plays and films; and will again.  He loves getting out in nature to paint a scene. Traveling the awesome Western U.S. and local excursions around Boulder have provided much inspiration for his recent work.  At home, he enjoys gardening, cooking, and playing music with his wife, Katieanne.  He currently works out of a studio space in The Crowd Collective in North Boulder.